Tue May 19 03:46:23 2020
I first joined this site when I was 13. My friends weren't really into board games, much less Risk, so I figured to search for alternatives online. When I discovered MajCom, I fell in love with it. So many maps! My favorite was Classic Massive, but I absolutely loved the varying maps. I wasn't really good at singles games and didn't really know how to win Escalate games, so I started to look into team games.
Here's a tribute to my old teammates, DeadEyeKiller and Bab00n(he had 100 honour for a very long time!), whose passion for the game infected me, leading to fond memories of me checking team games every morning at 7am, right before school. I remember constantly checking out leaderboards as well and I used to feel that those at the top were geniuses! Being grunts with 4 maximum games, we were a team who loved to spit out long and lengthy paragraphs anticipating multiple scenarios, where each of us was sure that our input would be valued. We weren't the best team to be sure, but we sure as hell could punch above our own weight.
But of course, like all online friendships, they eventually come to an end. I had my own frustrations with the site, felt that the reward for winning team games wasn't comparable to the effort we put in, among other things. I tried to come back to this site for a few times but my interest fizzled out every time.
Years later, a chance encounter with a global pandemic led to me being stuck in my own home. Out of sheer boredom and random curiosity, I thought to check out MajCom again. It felt like slipping on an old shirt that used to be my favourite. For the first time, I could finally pay for an upgrade, and even though I might not be here for 6 months I really want to help the site that accompanied me through my adolescent years.
I'll chronicle my lessons learnt during my climb in another post, as this frontline is about my emotional attachments towards MajCom. 2 months after re-joining, I've reached a personal best of 3500 thanks to a lucky tourney win, which I somehow always thought wouldn't be possible. I wonder what 13 year old me would feel if he saw my profile today. Probably go crazy with disbelief. As I now set my sights towards General, I find myself to be less excited by wins than when I started. Taking out a 12p game doesn't feel as gratifying as it used to be, but I've settled into a routine and am more determined than ever to get that star on my badge.
Until next time,